Friday, April 17, 2009

Wilson Trail Hike, Stage Three--April 17, 2009

We have work scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday--both us and the Woolseys and so at 1:00 we left work today and decided to take the Wilson Trail stage three hike because the trail manual said it was relatively free from any difficulty and one we should be able to finish in four hours. So here we are on the way, riding the MTR looking happy that we will have a fun, leisurely afternoon together. Elder Woolsey and I are especially happy that our wives are with us and that this hike will be fun for them.

We walked to the Lei Yeu Mun fishing village and had a fun time there. There were many booths inside the "restaurant alley" where there were all kinds of live fish and other ocean going fish types in big tanks where you could select the ones you wanted to eat, take them home or have one of the restaurants prepare them for you and eat there. It was fascinating and took extra time before we finally exited the village and got on the trail.
It didn't take long to figure out that the hiking manual had lied to us. The trail was strenuous and went on for hill/mountain after hill/mountain. There were a number of steep climbs and before we were a third of the way on the trail, the women were asking if we were almost there. I felt badly that we had put them in this position, but we were on the mountain and would have to go half-way before we would be able to exit to a road where we could get off so we persevered.
However, there was so much breath-taking scenery and the visibility was pretty good. On Devil's peak, we could see everything below us--the ocean, the mountains, the cities, etc., in a 360 degree view. Devils peak had some old military walls and fortresses from World War II and was a strategic location from which the Chinese could overlook any incoming threats and be prepared to meet them militarily.

About a third of the way, we did cross one highway where we might have been able to catch a taxi, but we agreed to go on. We ascended the hill across the highway and found a small pavilion and Kathy's expression says it all. This was a strenuous hike for her and Sister Woolsey. They were troopers, and we agreed to go on.
Would these mountains never end???
It started to get dusk and a threatening storm came in and so we decided to get off the mountain. We found a trail and an hour later, we came to Lam Tin and found that we had backtracked a lot to get there. As it was, we got off the mountain about half-way along the trail and could have gone almost 3/4 the way if we hadn't did the long back track to Lam Tin.
We beat the storm and the girls were in one piece. Kathy seems to be saying, "See, I did it!!" We found the MTR and just before getting on, we found a McDonald's and so stopped and got something to eat. We really did have a lot of fun and saw some beautiful scenery, among other highlights like the fishing village.

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